Nimba Iron Ore Project

Nimba Iron Ore Project

The Project is complex, requiring integrity, sustainability, and the highest capability.  SMFG has adopted the proactive approach where design starts by considering the local conditions first, and then fits the project within them.

Shareholder, Board and Management

Shareholder, Board and Management

SMFG is majority-owned by High Power Exploration through its indirectly owned subsidiary Euronimba Limited, and by the Government of Guinea.  Euronimba UK Limited is wholly owned by Euronimba Limited and supports SMFG from London.

Governance and Ethics

Governance and Ethics

SMFG’s operations are underpinned by non-negotiable core values and driven by strict governance and ethics.

We place integrity above all: doing what is right, acting transparently and responsibly, and following through on our commitments.