Preparing the ESIA and Mine Design

Early Phases of the ESIA

Terms of reference for the assessment were approved by the Ministry in charge of Environment in 2011 based on extensive consultations locally, with national authorities in Conakry, and with key international parties. Intensive studies to characterise the baseline conditions were conducted between 2011 and 2013.

Recent and On-Going Work on the ESIA and Mine Design

From 2014 to 2019, SMFG collected data addressing key topics mainly related to biodiversity, including the World Heritage Site’s outstanding universal value. Engineering work focused on innovative design improvements to further reduce environmental and social impacts. High Power Exploration took over ownership in late 2019, and insisted that data sets be refreshed to ensure local social and land-use conditions were accurately reflected. As a result, multiple field studies have been undertaken to update and complete relevant datasets.

Standards for the ESIA

First and foremost, SMFG adheres rigorously to Guinean legal requirements.

The company benchmarks against international good practice arising from the status of the adjacent World Heritage Site and Nimba Mountains Biosphere Reserve.

SMFG’s Commitments

SMFG will invest significantly in protection and restoration.

SMFG recognizes that the project must stand on its environmental merits. While the Project’s investments in equitable, sustainable local development will be significant, social benefits cannot justify environmental losses.